supports you as well!

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Normally I'm not a big fan of posting testimonials about things I've done. There are just so many products and websites out there that use made up names, places, and claims. It all makes me just a little apprehensive.
But we've had so many customers send us emails and do reviews of our slingshots... some who expect me to use their words in a testimonials section... it would almost be rude not to use at least some of them! So here it goes, we'll list a few:

First, just to be clear, we do a LOT of business with many many military people... We literally have hundreds of letters of thanks and many many very personal items that have been sent to us as a way of thanks.
We TRULY thank all our friends, AND FAMILY who are currently serving to protect America and American interests both here and abroad... BUT we also know that simply naming you and or letting people know where you are, could possibly cause problems with the security and safety of your mission... We will simply keep and appreciate all personal correspondence... Unit citations and thanks will be held back and may be used after a sufficient amount of time has passed to make sure mission integrity will not be compromised.
With that being said, we do have some, a relative few to the many we've received, items that we are proud to display from some of our many many friends who are serving:

From some of our closest friends:

Letters were also included, but had to much personal information;
So this is only part of the unit's appreciation and thanks:

We have so many of these it was hard to choose... so in a couple years, when everyone is home, we'll add some more:

Jorg Sprave, internationally known slingshot expert and youtube sensation:

Joerg Sprave:

Bill, I am humbled by your work. Wow! Can't wait. 

You are truly a great slingshot maker. Pure creativity meets fantastic workmanship. Rare finds in a single person!


Madison Parker, SEAL Team one, and Spec Ops survival instructor:

Madison Parker:

Bill, your SS is a true master piece. I have shot it with the TBGs and I also mounted some chinese tube on it. 
It shoots like a dream either way. a very versatile, ergonomic, and accurate slingshot. Your work is above reproach. 
I would like to learn how to work with that G10. Maybe someday you can teach me how...Thanks so much for your generosity. 

Good on you my brother...Madison 

Michael McClure, Guinness Book of World Records holder:


Ever since I saw Bill Hayes' Hathcock Target Sniper I knew it was for me. 
Don't ask me how, I never held one or even saw one in person. I just knew.
Turns out I was right! My Polymer Series Hathcock came in the mail today and it's awesome. 
It fits my hand like it was custom made for me and is even more accurate than I expected. 
Bill sent it banded up with Thera Gold and I think the speed of these bands helps in that respect too. 
Now I see what all the fuss was about regarding Theraband, I might be a convert.
Don't let the "budget" and "polymer" labels fool you. While this is an affordable slingshot there is 
nothing cheap or cut-rate about it if your goal is hitting whatever you aim at. 
Sure, the finish isn't muesem quality, but if that's the compromise for this level of performance at a price 
I can afford than I'll take it. And don't you dare call this slingshot "plastic"! It's dense and strong 
and heavy and most likely bomb-proof.
It looks like I'm going to have to keep my other slings covered up so they don't get dusty.

Thanks Bill, this slingshot is everything I hoped it would be.
Go and get your own, you will not get a better deal for a better slingshot!

Joe Musselwhite, recognized expert in the field of grip strength and ergonomics:

Joe Musselwhite:

They don't just look GOOD either. They shoot fantastic!

Couple of advantages if you're a side shooter like myself for several reasons;

1) The transfer of force through your wrist directly into the radius and ulna which relieves
and virtually eliminates leverage against your wrist which in turn causes unsteadiness if you
aim like I do.

2) The hand position is natural and not awkward at all. Just like grabbing a handle bar with
finger grooves. Comfort = ability to concentrate and focus more on your target and not your discomfort.

3) Due to the ergonomic design and transfer of force you can shoot much longer without fatique.

4) Ability to see target without obstruction. With the forks angle to the side like they are it gives you a
great view of your target and freedom to play around with aiming techniques.

This is the main advantages I can think of. Not to mention their eye catching appeal. These SS are BEAUTIES!!! 

In case no one's noticed, I LOVE the Hathcock Sniper Sling Shots!!! 

Bill "Tex" Herriman, two time National Slingshot shooting champion:

Tex Herriman:

The Cowboy is the first ergo I have ever been able to pick up and shoot straight away! -- Tex

I have two of Bill's slingshots and they are awesome! -- Tex

Steve Finighan, English "catapult" shooter:

Steve Finighan:

Just to let you know that the Jade Dragon was waiting on my desk when I got back to work today 
(I've been in France for the past week).
Well what a little beauty! That green G10 looks even better in the flesh and the alterations you did for me 
(taking the thumb/ forefinger gap down to 2 5/8") make it perfect - it fits my hand like a glove and provides 
a comfortable and, above all, stable firing platform. 
The tube slots you cut also work great and I can now easily slot in some looped Chinese tubes for the 
occasions when I run out of Theraband Gold (my preferred bands).

The slingshot barely saw the light of day before I was out shooting on a small practice range out the 
back of my workplace. To my delight I found that I didn't have to alter my preferred 45 degree grip at all 
(I shoot this way with my Dankungs and find it better to gauge range as well as line). I kept your bands 
on (1" straight cut gold Theraband - with a very nice pouch) and when I got to 20/ 20 on a suspended 
Coke can from 20 yds - I decided to finish on that high!! 

Thanks again Bill - 
I'm delighted with this product and it has now replaced my ex hunting slingshot in the pocket of my outdoors 
jacket as my EDC.

Dan, shooting enthusiast in California:


Yesterday afternoon I got a package from Bill Hays, so I opened up the package and saw a beautiful
 cast bronze slingshot in it. Also he included a extra band set and some free ammo. 
 It is very polished bronze and looks amazing. 
 It fits my hand like a glove and is a very accurate gangster shooter. I really love it and can't wait to shoot 
 more with it. 
 Thanks Bill!

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Greg, shooting enthusiast in Illinois:


I got my BRONZE PREDATOR,,today,, Man does it shoot GREAT,,WOW!! you talk about accurate! 
I Love it,,,you was right,,my friend!! (SLINGSHOOTER1953) GREG

Brian Delaney, shooting enthusiast Georgia:


Bill Hays has been kind enough to make one of his gorgeous Jade Dragons available to little old me! 
Ive been sick for a few days but this thing has cured me. I am blown away by the level of craftsmanship 
that has gone into this slingshot. It came to me banded with thera gold and a big ol' bag of shot 
which it flings across my back yard like fire from the mouth of, well, a dragon, go figure .
This sling fits my giant hands like a charm and seems to make me deadly accurate too, I think its 
safe to say that Bill has made a real enemy in the squirrels that like to eat up my shed they dont 
stand a chance now. I can tell you that when he named this line the "pocket predator" series he really 
meant it because this thing is lethal and if looks could kill....(shes a real beauty). I can definitely 
say that this will be the one that i grab when I hunt with a slingshot. Sorry I dont have a picture, 
Im still working with an old 35mm and my girlfriends digital camera just shot craps, if i can get some on here i will soon.


Dennis Hansen, shooting enthusiast in Florida:


Today I received one of Bill Hayes' Pocket Ranger Slingshots in G10. 
I had some time to myself, so I decided to test it out a bit. First impression was 
"what a nice small slingshot." I believe G10 is heavier and denser than wood, so this 
slingshot feels good and solid. It is very comfortable to hold, in fact much more comfortable 
than I thought it would be. Bill really knows his stuff. I admire his innovative designs 
and his use of super tough materials; both of which are evident in this Ranger. 
I ordered this slingshot and the next day it was mailed to me. 
Two days later I have it in my hands (today). What great service. 

This Ranger is approx. 5 7/8 inches tall x 3 1/2 inches wide. Space between the forks is just under 2 inches. 
Most of my slingshots have at least 2 1/4 inches between the forks, but I didn't notice the difference. 
My Ranger came with single flat Theraband Gold bands, straight cut 1 inch x 9 inches from forks to pouch. 
I ordered an extra band set assembly, and both are expertly crafted. The bands and pouches are very well made. 
I took advantage and also ordered a 1 pound bag of white marbles from Bill. 
Nice marbles! The fork tips on this slingshot are Bill's new universal forks that will accommodate a number 
of different type bands and attachment methods. I am extremely impressed by this great innovation of Bills. 
This is the only slingshot I have that came with the bands attached sideways. 
Perhaps it's the lack of a twist in the flat bands that makes this shooter so accurate. 

Holding and shooting the Ranger was terrific. My 1st two shots at a suspended soda can 10 meters away were perfect hits. 
That surprised me. Usually I have to "get in the zone" and get used to a slingshot before I start shooting it accurately. 
I continued shooting both marbles and 3/8 inch steel balls till I had shot 100 rounds. I even shot a few 50 cal. 
lead balls with the Ranger, and it shot them perfectly, with equal enthusiasm. I regularly shoot small marbles, 
3/8 inch (9.5 mm) steel balls, and 50 cal lead balls with most all my slingshots, depending which one I am shooting. 
It's great to realize this slingshot can handle any kind of ammo that I like. I was having so much fun shooting this 
slingshot, that I could have shot it all day. I increased the distance from 10 meters up to 15 meters, 
and noticed no change in accuracy. Every time I missed the can, it was a near miss, usually right next to the can. 
I'm sure to be shooting this slingshot often from now on. It will accompany me on my long walks, and every chance 
I get to shoot it I will. This Ranger will serve me well plinking, target shooting, and hunting. 
I highly recommend this slingshot to anyone who really wants a very accurate slingshot that's comfortable to hold and shoot. 
It's very well made and near indestructable; a good thing in case of fork hits; though I don't expect any. 
You can't go wrong with one of Bill Hayes' Rangers. I give it 5 stars out of 5

After buying the Polymer Ranger as well:

I believe these Polymer slingshots, in particular the Polymer Ranger and the Polymer Hathcock Sniper 
are the best deals in high quality slingshots out there. I have a Polymer Ranger and like it a lot. 
I shoot 3/8" steel balls, and 1/2" lead balls very accurately with it. It's one of my favorite slingshots. 
BIll is a slingshot genius. 

  I am really looking forward to my new ranger, I still can't believe  
it's happening. To get a custom hand crafted anything today is almost 
unheard of. It reminds me of the America like when I was a kid in the 
fifties. You two are the best  ever. I showed my nephews your slingshot 
gallery and they  can't believe it. Mr Hayes has showed them if you 
work hard anything is possible.  Thanks again. Tom Graham=


 I honestly cannot thank you enough for introducing me to slingshots. 
My wife says I'm getting soft in my old age, and you know wives are 
always right. In today's imported mass produced world it is so awesome 
to have a truly hand crafted with pride product. at my age people I 
grew up with are passing on and respect is hardly ever shown. I go out 
to the shop and shoot at everything from plastic golf balls to home 
made targets. It is one of the few times I totally relax. Thank you 
again for awesome service and the best crafted slingshot ever. Tom Graham=

Just received my G10 Ballistic Black SEAL Sniper in the mail today. 
Right out of the box I was able to whack the burn barrel across the yard 
with the first shot. I'm thoroughly impressed. What a fine piece of 

Thanks again,
Bill Andrews

Just wanted to let you know that I've received the order. 
All I can say is wow...quality....

Thank you!

Mark Whelan

Bands received..thank you..very generous!
I was surprised at the ease of accuracy right off the bat ! 
Great design...
Thanks again
Aaron (happy customer)!

Just unboxed my HTS. This little guy is awesome! Will definitely be ordering more from you soon. Thanks Cody Tesoriero

Dear Pocket Predator:
I just received my Ranger slingshot in the mail, and I am very pleased with what was included. 
I originally ordered the Seal and was told that it was out of stock. So I opted to have a comparable 
slingshot sent to me that was already available, and lo and behold extra ammunition was included! 
I am very impressed with this level of customer service. It could have only been better if the box 
had included a handwritten thank you note. 
I may just send you one of those anyway.
Best, Jake White

Dear Hays family,

I have been playing with the Hathcock slingshot for a few weeks now and wanted to compliment 
you on a well designed toy for the big boys. I use it to cross-train for archery when I walk 
the dogs and I enjoy the great ergonomics of the grip design. Some of my friends were also impressed.
Thanks again, it's been a pleasure to buy from you!
Best regards,

Holger Schröder

I have safely received the night stalker, another great custom slingshot from you guys. 
I have shot Slings from all over the world and I've got to say, Bills are made beautifully 
and shoot very well indeed. All the best

James Lyons

I've had my Hathcock target sniper for a week or so, and beginning to love it.  I almost sent it back when it 
first arrived, but I'm glad that I didn't.  It is a wonderful piece of workmanship and beautifully crafted, but 
when I first took it out for some break-in shots, I was really uncomfortable with the size.  It just seemed to 
be too big for my hand.  I had a terrible time getting a good grip on it.  It's a good thing that I was using 
the lanyard because about every third shot it jumped out of my hand.  But with practice, I have gotten a better 
feel for it, and now hold on to it and have been gaining some pretty good accuracy.  I have another more 
"standard" shape slingshot that fits my hand alright, but I like the HTS much better and can shoot it more 
consistently.  With the other one, I have had quite a few fork hits, but I have never once had a fork hit with yours, 
and at 33' I am able to stay within a 4-5" pattern around the target.  

I just wanted to tell you how much I like your work.  I have watched lots of the videos that you have made, 
and they too have been very helpful.  I have shot pistols, rifles and archery (recurve bows) most of my 67 years. 
 But slingshots are new to me, so have a bit of a learning curve to deal with.  But I'm catching on and enjoying 
 it very much.  One question.  Do you make all of your curved handled (ergonomic) slingshot in the same size?  
 I might like to get another one if I could get one a little smaller.  I have a rather large hand, but my fingers 
 are not long.  It would be just a little easier for me to progress if I could get a better grip on the handle.  
 Once again, thank you for a great product.

                      Satisfied Customer
                       Gordon Addington

Bill and Daranda,

Just received my Target Sniper today. Awesome Christmas present! All I can say is wow, 
lovely bit of kit. I already own the same slingshot in polymer. I bought it some time ago, 
it's a great size and a brilliant EDC, however I do love how this one is a bit bigger and 
has a bit more weight to it. The feel of it is exceptional. Can't wait to shoot it. Hope you 
guys have a fantastic Christmas and new year.

All the best,


hey just got my polymer ranger and it shoots great a very effective hunting weapon because 
i got a squirel with it already .   thank you Bill for the slingshots

Mrs, Hays it came today!!!!!!! Delores Church here.Thank you so much,what a super slingshot!!!! 
I will be buying more very soon!! Have a great Christmas and a happy New Year! God Bless  

Oh yeah now were cooking with gas received my scorpion today thanks so much makes all the 
difference in the world customs are the way to go thanks Dave Long

I received the bands and lead ammo a few weeks ago. As it turned out my single bands 
finally broke so I ordered them just at the right moment. Thank you very much! 

Please thank Bill for me...I truly am impressed with the product(s). 
It is incredible the impact that the lead ammo has on the target.

All the best,


I received them yesterday, they look great and they shoot amazing! 
Thank you for the great products, I will defiantly be recommending these to 
some of my friends.

Nivian Hernandez,  FL

  Hi there Bill and Daranda,

  I received my H.T.S. in G10 today and it is a thing of beauty. 
  I look forward to lots of practise as I am currently in the “barn door” category but 
  having loads of fun. I will be sending you another order in about a month and just wanted
   to say thanks to both of you.

Cheers, Graeme Whalen, Vancouver, B.C.=

Dear Bill and Daranda, the two small shooters arrived today and I couldn't be more pleased.
They are top-drawer all the way. 
THANK YOU for your patience and flexibility with my kinda fickle order. I seem to have the 
most fun with the small ones and I have been wanting to give tubes another try.

Continued success to you. May God bless you and yours,
Greg Gibson (Lug)
Sandy, Utah

Hi Daranda,

I just wanted to let you know that the below order arrived today and that I am 
‘extremely’ pleased with the purchase. Could you please pass on my sincere gratitude to 
Bill for all his hard work and effort. The quality of his workmanship and attention to 
detail is a testament to the character of the man.
Thank you and kind regards

Ron Brine

Hi Bill,

I just received my Hathcock black g10 slingshot from you today.  While 
waiting for you to make this, I've been watching your YouTube videos and
 particularly enjoyed seeing you demonstrate how you make these and your 
pointers on shooting.  My slingshot is even nicer than I was expecting -
 and I was expecting it to be great. It looks and feels perfect, and I 
can't wait to try it out this weekend (here in very snowy Massachusetts).
   You are a true craftsman - and as your personality clearly shows 
through on your videos, one heck of a nice guy.   
Thank you again so much.  I look forward to being a repeat customer.  
Best regards, Paul Loscocco=

Thank you. That's very kind.  I love the design (balanced, smooth and 
very comfortable for my fingers to wrap around).  Looks really cool too. 
I also appreciate the steel balls that were included. Thanks again for 
the great products.   

Hey Predators!
Wrote yesterday, that I couldn't wait any more...
The Slingshot waited in my postbox this mornin!
This thing is SO DARN ACCURATE!!!!!!!!!!
Fits my Hand PERFECTLY and shootin is a joke
of a thing!
Just grapped a rock from right before my feet
to make a test-shot, turned around and made
a hit on a street-name-sign (about 120x16 cm)
from round about 40 Meters...
It nearly stamped a hole into the sign!
I was lucky, that no one had seen me...
for THIS inexpensive prices!!!!
from Munich, Germany

Bill & Daranda Hays,

Thank you for such a great product.  I received my order on Monday 3/3/14,
 right on time from your estimate.  I'm a novice when it comes to 
slingshots.  I was looking for a quieter, funner, inexpensive and safer
 way to target shoot and hunt small game.  Your website was the first 
to come up.  It was full of information.  I did a lot of searching (your 
site, simple-shot, slingshot forum, joerg, his forum) to gain as much 
info as I could before ordering something.  I'm weird like that...and 
cheap, so I wanted to spend as little as I could on the best product.  
So, obviously I ordered only from you.  I was able to take the product 
and start shooting right away.  Thanks to your videos and all the info 
you give on your website and the Slingshot Forum, it was really easy to 
get on target fast.  After about 50 shots I was feeling cocky and hung 
a cotton swab in my makeshift catch box.  After a few misses(a lot 
actually) I was able to split it (again, novice!).  I could go on and 
on and it's only been two days.  So thank you again.  I wish the best 
of luck to your business, but more importantly, you guys.

Much Blessings,
-Ryan Lekin
Much Blessings,
-Ryan Lekin

Pocket Predator,

Just wanted to let you know the S.E.R.E slingshot I ordered was 
delivered today; it’s everything I expected, very pleased.
Keep up the good work.

Thank you.

Barry K.

Hi Daranda,

     Just wanted to let you and Bill know that I received my Hathcock 
Target Slingshot, and also wanted to say how much I appreciate yall 
getting it out to me so quickly.  I've had a few days to play around 
with it, and it amazes me how well it shoots.  Couldn't be happier with 
my purchase.  Again, thanks for everything.

Grafton Weinacker, AL

Hey Bill,

I just wanted to say thanks for the quick delivery of my SERE.  I 
received it on Saturday and have had a blast since, shooting it.  
I won't say that my Ranger and HTS are going on the shelf, but the 
SERE is by far my favorite of the three that I have from you.  
Excellent job.  All the best to you and yours.

Have a better than average day,

Ray P. Boudreaux

Bill/Daranda Good Morning!

Just wanted to thank you guys for the great products!!!!! Received the 
box with the S.E.R.E and the retooled G10 SEAL Sniper. Not sure about 
the S.E.R.E yet but only because I haven't had a real chance to shoot 
it. My daughter got it right out of the box and decided it was hers! 
I must admit she is deadly with it. She was pretty good with the G10 
SEAL Sniper but because the S.E.R.E is smaller and lighter she really 
likes it a lot more which can be seen in her 80% accuracy rate!!! 
Granted she is only shooting can's at the present time but I will be 
having her move down  in target size as she becomes more comfortable 
with S.E.R.E..   

I haven't had a chance to check out the arrow pin system yet but really 
like how easy it can be removed or attached. Bill you do some great 
work and I can't say enough about your Pocket Predator Pro Attachment 
System - LOVE IT!!!! We shot for 5 hours straight on Saturday! I went 
through two bands  and the new attachment system made life so much 
easier and more importantly quicker to get back into the game. Any 
suggestion as to why the right side or bottom band - depending on how 
you look at it, is breaking at the pocket? I know it must have something
 to do with the pull. Both of the bands I broke on Saturday, broke at 
the same place I will send you the bands to so you can see where I am 
talking about and maybe make some suggestions.

At any rate, just wanted to thank you guys for the GREAT PRODUCTS! 
Hope you guys have a wonderful day!

Rick warrrick

Hi Daranda/Bill,
I just wanted to let you know that I received my slingshots last 
Tuesday and have been unable to put them down. I can say that my 
accuracy has increased greatly from the comfort of your slingshot 
design and your shooting tips and they just fun to shoot. I'm Looking 
forward to getting a custom one day.

Best regards
Yik, NY

Received yesterday. 
Gorgeous slingshot. Feeling - like a suit specially tailored for you. 
Will definitely be back and will recommend to friends.

Thank you.


purchased a SERE

Dear Mrs. Hays,

Received my Hathcock Target Sniper and the 2 extra band sets today. 
Am extremely happy and would like to thank you for all your help and 

Wishing you a Blessed Easter weekend,
many thanks again and kind regards,
Michiel Rauwerda. 
Northern Cape
South Africa.

Hello Daranda.

Just want to let you know that this order arrived here yesterday in 
perfect order. Thank you to you and Bill for all your effort and 
excellent slingshots. It is exactly what I was looking for, and it 
shoots very accurate.
I wish you all the best and will let you know if I need something else.

Blessings to you and your family.
Kobie Weideman.
South Africa
tubemaster 1/2" G10

I received my Pocket Predator HTS and extra supplies yesterday and shot 
it this morning. After a few minutes I was popping a soda can at thirty 
plus feet every time. 
I was wondering exactly what is the tubing is that you used to tie the 
leather pocket to the bands and where can I obtain it ? 

Thanks, Ron

Hello Bill and Daranda Hays, I can't believe I got my sling and 
accessories in the mail already.  My wife about shot me for spending so 
much on slingshot and the other goodies - she told me I was going to 
try and play David and Golliath.  LOL  All jokes aside, I am very 
pleased with the quality of Bill's slings - ergonomic, very nice looking,
 heavy duty, perfectly finished sling.  The attachment is a really nice 
addition, (glad I had it done).  The Seal fits my hand perfectly.  I 
took it out and slung about 10 of the glass practice marbles - already 
hitting fairly accurately.  As you can probably tell, I am like a big 
kid with a new toy.  Can't wait to do some serious practicing.  I am so 
happy I decided to go ahead and order from you folks.  I had a couple 
other slingshot manufacturers I was considering purchasing from.  I am 
thrilled with my purchase and the overall quality. Your customer
 service is second to none... 
A Sincere Thanks, and may God Bless you and your family, 
Chris Danford - Hillsboro, TN

Oh, no hurry at all, I just have to go out of town to Los Angeles 
(I hate LA) for a few days and I wanted to tell my roomate to watch for 
the mailman if it was in the mail.  I wanted to say I am really impressed
 with the G-10 model you sent me.  I've worked with G-10 before and the 
craftsmanship in that slingshot is exceptional. 
Thank you,
Billy Baque

Hi Mr Hayes. 
I received my Hathcock sniper yesterday and I killed this today with it . 
This thing is amazing ! Feel free to use the email or picture if you'd like .
Kindest Regards
snake picture

Daranda, thank you very much for the extra goodies you included in my 
order. Above & beyond is what I was raised on & what I expected, and 
you & Bill delivered. The quality is spot on. We will do a lot more 
business in the future. I have friends & lots of family that will want 
to participate. Plus Christmas and birthdays. Also I can't decide which
 one. I like better. Both feel and shoot better than I could have 

Thank you, Bobby O'Dell


Just a little note to tell you that I received this shipment. Had a chance 
to practice a lot with this slingshot in the last week and I am more than 
pleased with this cary.


I received my hts today and had a little trouble at first ,after reviewing 
some of your videos on your website on how to shoot.
I was able to cut a coke can in half, and shoot the red circle completely 
out of the center of a paper riffle target.
thank you so much for the design and support behind your sling shots.
although that shooting was only at 5m . I feel can easily build my skills 
with your slingshot.
I noticed several size 44 caliber round ball molds while shopping which one 
do you like best for shooting rabbits?

thank you from one happy customer
Brian curry

I just received my Boy Scout Slingshot.  It is every bit as accurate as my 
HTS! I don't know how you do it,  but I'm really glad you do. I've never 
been as accurate with a slingshot as I am now. 

Thanks again,

Bill, thanks for the great slingshot and thanks for being kind enough to 
throw in some shot as well. I enjoy your videos and appreciate the time 
involved in making them and the different slingshots. 


Hi Daranda,

Just to let you know, package arrived a few minutes ago. Exactly 3 weeks 
from order but worth the wait! Awesome!!!

Thanks very much! 

Hey all, just wanted to give you a heads up on my Seal slingshot purchase 
I made from you fine folks a wee while back.  I'm really enjoying the 
slingshot - really nice quality and a blast to shoot.  Getting much better 
with my accuracy, but have a very long way to go to get half as good as 
Bill.  Thanks so much for a quality, good looking product.  Will be back 
in the not too distant future for another purchase...

Sincerely, Chris Danford - Hillsboro, TN

Hey Bill,

Just a quick message to thank you and Daranda for your excellent slingshots
 and service I've received over the past year or so. Also for explaining 
your one line aiming system and being so frank and open. This has helped 
me massively and I literally cannot believe how much my shooting has 
improved in a matter of months. I've gone from barely hitting anything 
from 6 metres to snapping matches, cutting cans, nailing targets with so 
much more to try from 10 + metres. You're an inspiration so thank you.

All the best to both of you,

Ben, UK

Daranda, hello! I got one of my slingshots from you today. I'm so excited. 
Opened it, hussled to barn, and bullseyed my first pull (@30').  Love this 
thing. Bomber construction and is really nice in the hand. Thank you, and 
keep up the good work. There is a mini with rubber dipped grip on the way 
to me soon as well.

Can't put it down.
Tate, CO

Dear Mrs. Hayes, 
Dear Bill Hayes,

today, the small HTS black ballistic G10 with polished surface has arrived 
in Berlin. Even though I haven't tried it yet it feels great in my hand
 and it looks phantastic. The characteristic design is looking like a "logo"
 itself: It is a wonderfully designed object and a very strong slingshot. 
Thank you also for the CD.

Please submit Bill Hayes my very best whishes and many thanks for making 
and polishing it, I'm very happy with it.

I thank you so much for your very friendly services and communication.

Best regards from Berlin/Germany,


My G10 Ranger has just been delivered! I can't tell you how impressed 
I am with the performance.  My first aimed shot with a 3/8" ball 
ACTUALLY penetrated a soft drink can. I've never been able to poke a 
hole in one shot.
I also want to thank you for the extra band set and extra clip set. 
You are far too generous.
I appreciate all your assistance, 
Regards - Dave Keene

Thank you for a great slingshot. I'm 65 years old and have been shooting 
slings since I was about 7. Shot so many different kinds and even made my 
own, but your Hathcock Sniper is the best I have ever shot so far. I will 
soon be ordering some more of your slingshots.....

Thanks again.....

Henry Wise

I received the slingshots! They are far more awesome than i excepted! 
Great work! 

Konstantinos Kostarelis

I recieved it yesterday, i just wanted to say it rocks. You guys make a 
sick slingshot. The dvd and the ball bearings are much appreciated too. 
I'll be shooting with some friends soon so don't be surprised if ya gotto 
ship another one to my area some time in the future. 

Timothy Johnson,NY

Daranda and Bill,
I received my Hathcock slingshot yesterday! Many thanks for this wonderful,
 versatile piece of kit. It is everything I expected and more. Goodbye 


I have received the slingshot yesterday. It is so great device!! top notch!! 
Just want to say thank you very much for the service! Cheers

Osaka, Japan

Bill and Daranda,

Just wanted to drop you both a note of thanks. My new HTS arrived the same afternoon I got the shipping 
notice! It was a welcome surprise after such a crappy day at work.

After watching the included DVD "How-To" videos several times, I took the HTS to the backyard 
and put about 20 rounds of steel ball ammo through it using the techniques I learned. I'm new 
to the world of slingshots, so Bill's videos made all the difference and left me with a smile on 
my face after my first range session. I can actually hit what I'm aiming at...most of the time! Ha-ha! 
I'm looking forward to many hours of practice.

And so, my journey into this strange new slingshot world begins and I'm proud to say that 
it's with a Pocket Predator HTS!

Thanks again,

Dear Mr and Mrs Hays,

You guys are great!
Thank you very much for taking care of me the way you did.
The Seal Sniper, PredatorPro attachment, ammo, and extra band sets are wonderful!
I really appreciate everything, and will definitely be ordering some more of your amazing slingshots in the future.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and a very merry Christmas!

God bless,
SSG John Evans  

I got my slingshot today and tell Bill Hays I am very pleased with the 
look and feel of the tubemaster and I am very pleased great job!

Jeffrey Ledbetter,NC

Hello you guys from Pocket Predator.
I just wanted to say thank you.
My ordered slingshots arrived today and i really really love them both.
Side shooting is not so common here in Germany and there are only few models on the market.
Even better i got mine now!
They are so comfortable in handling and shooting.
Especially the Scout fits my hand perfectly.
  You rock!
Jan Germany

My last order was absolutely fantastic! I got several fork hits while 
learning, and watching your videos (albeit for two minutes) really 
helped me get my shooting down. I learned plenty quickly, about shooting 
and maintenance. I'm really into the sport! I would appreciate plenty 
of pouch and fork bands since i dont entirely make my own bandsets yet.
 (I made another order.)

Thank You, They arrived earlier and are Amazingly Accurate Works of Art! Thanks Pocketpredator!

Bill and Daranda
Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that the SERE slingshots 
were the hit of Christmas. The Grand kids got ahold of them and spent 
the afternoon in the back yard killing cans. I have modified my G10 SERE 
to accept a Quicktune arrow rest for 360 degree arrow retention, makes 
a great sling bow in addition to being a very accurate ball bearing 
shooter. Very pleased with the slingshot, I'll send you a video of 
what I did to mine if your interested .
Mike FL 


Just got the sling shot today and just wanted to say thank you. That is 
the most bad ass, useful, durable, just flat out awesome sling shot I 
have ever seen or owned. I know this is the only slingshot I'll ever 
need to buy in my life but I can't wait to try out other slingshots you 
make. Thanks again, this is by far the happiest I've ever been with 
something I got bought off the internet.  Thank you for replying to my 
emails as well

Best regards
Dave reiser AK

Hi Bill, 
I just received my Hathcock Slingshot.  Although I’ve been shooting for 
years (instinctively) and thought I was pretty good with a slingshot.   
I can’t believe all I learned from the enclosed video, starting with how 
to construct a target to proper hold and aim.  I’m a better shot now 
than I was an hour ago!  Not only do you make a great product it’s 
obvious you know your stuff when it comes to teaching and shooting.   
I’m looking forward to many hours of fun with my slingshot.  
Thanks for everything. 
Carl Geddes
San Diego, CA

Aloha Daranda,
Please thank Bill for me.  I got the beautiful slingshot yesterday and 
it is NICE!  very easy to shoot accurately and with the Predator Pro 
attachment will become a favorite for me. The attention to detail 
throughout and the very nice way it feels in my hand takes a lot of work.
Does Bill make and sell the pouches with the center cup?  I would love to order a extreme 
ergo boy scout with the Predator Pro attachments in G10 & also order 12 of the pouches with 
the center cup if he makes them.  I am not sure if he is Tex Shooter on the Slingshot Forum. 
(that is where I saw the center cup pouches.).
PS the size is just fine in my big ole hand. Very comfortable to grip.
Thanks again for everything!

Hello Daranda,hello Bill,
the last couple of days I tested many shots the PocketPredator pro attachment on some of my frames, 
and I must say it is the best attachment ever.
It gives you a total secure feeling when your shooting, I must think of ordering another couple to 
" hayserize " all my frames.
Thank you for this invention !
Bye from Germany

Hi Bill and Daranda,

I thought you may like to know I have received my Pocket Predator S.E.R.E.
 this morning.
I would like to congratulate Bill on a superb piece of workmanship and 
extend my thanks.

Also, thank you for the great DVD user instructions that came with my 

Thanks Bill, I love it.....

Kind regards from the UK.
Tim Collins.

I just wanted you to know I received my slingshot today! I LOVE IT! 
My brother has a Daisy sling shot and I cannot even draw it back 
without shaking. The size and design of your slingshot enables me to 
draw back very easily, without the stress on my wrist!
Thank you very much! I hope I can turn some folk into customers!
Awesome product!

Walter Jarrett, PA

Hi Bill,

Thanks for sending the Pocket Predator Hathcock it arrived this morning. 
I am absolutely delighted with it and am very impressed at its accuracy. 
The finish is brilliant and I really appreciate the care an attention you
 have put into the creation of it. I normally use a smallish marine ply 
TTF which is good for concealment and accurate but it's difficult to 
maintain it as a stable platform after your 50th shot due to fatigue, 
you just can't get enough grip on the tail to counter the haul on the 
bands and if you have arthritis in your basal thumb joint like I have, 
your shots soon start pulling to the right. The Hathcock on the other 
hand gives a superbly stable platform and the ergonomics are superb. 

Thanks also for the target, I didn't clock what it was until I saw it on 
your site, I've been working on crown bottle tops in our back garden at 
10m but the idea of an indestructible target like this appeals to my 
slothful nature!

I usually work with 9.5mm steel ammo or 10mm clay but I find the 
Hathcock seems to excel with .50cal cast lead musket balls I buy off a 
guy who makes high quality ones for muzzle loading enthusiasts. 
I'm going to order some steelies in the same caliber.

Given my thumb issue could I ask you which TTF in your range you would 
recommend for not putting huge strain on the basal thumb joint of 
the left (fork) hand? The Hathcock is a huge improvement but with my 
relatively small hands I find it does haul my thumb wide..perhaps 
a narrower distance between the thumb grip and the finger?
Happy to commission a custom.

best regards and thanks again
Richard (in Hexham, England)

hi Al here you sent a hathcock target sniper to australia for me.I just 
want to say thank you very much and it only took 4 shots to get my eye 
on target.. thanks again

Received the slingshot today, and I am very pleased with it. It is extremely well-made. 
I appreciate the extras including 
ammo. I look forward to shooting it.

So you know, your website has a problem with the "contact us" function. 
I can enter my email address but not my password.

I look forward to the aluminum SERE slingshot. Your products are obviously of high quality.

Fred Glavin

Two water moccasins killed with the Hathcock Sniper I purchased from 
your company about 3 years ago.  I no longer carry a pistol while 
fishing or hunting creek banks.  This is all I need! Thanks!

Just wanted to tell you thanks so very much. Great product and worth
 the wait. Sling is well made, fits my hand very well, and a joy 
to shoot and is dead on. Thanks again 


       I received the g10 boyscout slingshot. It's a perfect fit in 
my hand, was thinking it was a little bit bigger. It's perfect and 
it's excellent! I love it. It's just an honor to own an authentic 
bill hays slingshot. Thanks bigguy.??. Oh I also ordered a couple of 
deer antler slingshots from etsy. I don't know something just told 
me to go ahead and buy them. In the future I might buy a hathcock 
or  a seal sniper. Not sure yet. Something bigger. I like the 
boyshot/hathcock design though. Like you say it gives you a better 
stabilization.  Anyway thanks again. 

James Samuel

The deer antler slingshot didn't work out as I expected. The antler 
was good but after shooting bill's slingshot, it's just not the same.
 Also I wana mention, all the reviews I watched of bill's slingshot, 
it's usually, "it feels very comfortable in the hands or after 
shooting this thing, it becomes very addicting". To cut it short, 
nothing beats a pocket predator. The accuracy is just great! Anyway 
I just recently ordered the seal sniper g10 black ballistic. In the 
meanwhile I am practicing with my Boy Scout. Thanks again mr and Mrs
 hays, take care! Hopefully I'll be ordering more from you guys. 

James Samuel 

I don't know if this is a model you're thinking of putting into 
production but it's amazing. 
Feels great in the hand... beautiful transition from hammer to 
pinch grip if I want it, can rig it TTF OTT or Tube... incredible! 

I just shot it for the first time today. Shot amazing, 
i actually hit the bullseye! Tell Bill thanks again for the amazing 
Sling Shot.
Hunter Bowlen
Blue Springs, MO 

Hi Bill and Daranda, I received by Hathcock Slingshot and all I can 
say is WOW.  Great slingshot, fits my hand perfectly.  It is easy 
to shoot and delivers a wollup. I can tell Bill takes a lot of pride 
in his work.  Once I become a little more proficient with it I will 
be ordering hunting bands.  This slingshot was well worth the wait.  
Now if I can get my sons to give it back I wont have to order another
 one lol. Feel free to use me as a reference anytime.

Thank You,
Tom Ayers, CA

I am very happy, It works, and it not a toy. I had a "A Christmas Story
 " moment when my third shot hit dead center of a AR-500 steel plate 
about 30 feet away and came past my head with the same gusto it left 
the slingshot. If I had only been recording with my camera. Thanks for 
the Ammo. My USPS girl handed me the Box shaking it and telling me 
good luck!  I had to open it  and got a big smile. You guys and girls 
do a wonderful job. Thanks and keep up the hard work!

Aim Small ......................,

Ben in N.C.

Dear Bill,

         Received my Pocket Predator this week. Thanks a million! It's a wonderfully designed catapult. 
		 I look forward to improving my aiming based of your tutorial videos. 

Thanks again. Much appreciated.

Bryan Wilson

Dear Mr Hayes

My name is Lyle Doberstein.  I am. Going on 50 years old and have been making slingshots from childhood  on. 
Some my own design  others copied  and modified. 
Until recently I have never bought a slingshot . I have been watching  your youtube  videos  on shooting and 
never realized  what a crappy  shot I was but have greatly Improved  with your help. Spent to much time in 
the shop and not enough  time enjoying the slingshots. 
I recently  purchased a  side  shooter  standard  from you and want to give you two thumbs up and five stars. 
Was not expecting the bag of ammo and the targets. A nice surpise.
Thank you again and I really hope I will be able to meet you in person some day and 
shake your hand

Thank you

Thanks for a prompt response. You and Bill have really made this a 
fun sport for me, something I hadn't been in to since I was a young 

Received my SERE slingshot a work of art. I can't wait to spend the day a just 
shooting. I'll be up at dawn tomorrow. 
Can't be happier. Thanks for your super weapon and super service. 
Looking forward to getting a g10 Hathcock. Hey you should mark this one with a Rooster. 
Your tutorials/videos could watch them all day. That is until know. I'm going to go practice . 
Cheers a very happy man.

Just wanted you to know that I received my sling shot today and 
I'm so excited!! It's a great product and was accurate right out
 of the box. My only bummer is that I can't attach the quick 
release but, no biggie, just means that I get to buy a new one!! 
And bands and ammo and and and... And I plan to only buy from 
your company. Thanks again,

This is just a feedback e-mail, I wanted to take the time to 
reply and show my appreciation for the slingshot I just acquired 
from you. It's very well designed, accurate, and enjoyable to 
shoot. The videos you've posted on Youtube are also very 
instructive, and I'm sure you have a big demand on both your 
time and expertise so credit to you for letting those of us who 
enjoy shooting share some of that. Best of luck, and thanks 

Benjamin Wells

I couldn't be happier with the HTS my fiancé ordered for me. 
This is my first slingshot and I can't put it down.. 
So comfortable and accurate that after a few dozen practice 
shots I was getting within the bullseye with ease!!! 
I posted pictures and praise for you guys on my Instagram 
and Facebook pages. Thanks for getting it out to me in 
Fla. so fast too!!! Love this thing!!!! P.s. Love the 
videos on Bill's YouTube channel, they have really helped 
with my shooting ????????

Many thanks Daranda.

Big congratulations to you and Bill for this superb design. I have several other slingshots 
including a Gamekeeper John's Pocket Poacher but nothing else comes close to the comfort, 
accuracy and consistency that I've found with the Hathcock Target Sniper, so this will be my 
second one. You really can't have just one favourite catty - what if I lose it?!

Please also pass my thanks to Bill for his superb instructional videos. He's taught me how to 
become so much more accurate.

Very best wishes,

Gerald Davis

I had ordered the Perk #8... the sling shots arrive last week and are AMAZING !!!

I can imagine that this has been a tough year with all required for the set up...but I hope you are as pleased with the outcome as I am. 
I hope your sling shots sales earn you millions of dollars. You deserve it. 
Hopefully,  all the orders got shipped out and that you and your family can relax over the holiday period.

Also, your videos are excellent. 

Thanks for sharing your designs & your expertise.

Chris Morris

I received my order and am pleased with the quality. 
Thank you. I hope the new manufacturing techniques are a 
breakthrough game changer for you. I've bought 4 slingshots
 from you. 2 were given as gifts and they've brought a 
lot of smiles and laughter. The absolute best was when I 
out shot a friend with a hand gun on a tin can at 30 feet. 
The gun got holstered and 4 fat old men spent an hour with
 the hathcock having a lot of laughs. (The same was not 
true of my daughter who got dispatched to Walmart to buy 
more shot).  

Blah, blah. Good products. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. And thank you.

David Wilson

Oh my gosh, this thing is awesome! When I was a kid I 
could not hit anything with my slingshot. I just used my 
red rider for fun. When i got my scorpion, I made a catch
 box and within an hour I had cut a can in half! I don't 
know why but THAT was satisfying! Great product, I am a 
very happy customer. I have a feeling I will be doing 
this for a long time. 

Thank you,

Randy Grimm

Thank you!!!!
Great customer service! I am a returning customer, and 
will be spreading the word on your great products. I 
can't say enough good things about every slingshots I've 
received so far.
(Another scorpion order will be coming your way soon ??)

Thank you again
Gerald Hatfield

Hello Bill

Just received Scorpion, thank you. It really does fit 
my hand like a custom! Delivery time was amazing, 
I have waited twice as long for orders locally in the 
UK. Looking forward to your future designs.

Catty Matt

Hello, recently bought a matt black scorpion from Bill,
 and just wanted to say, I love it. From what I've 
seen online, people say that it can be too big for 
someone with medium hands, but it fit me great! Most 
comfortable and accurate (not to mention pretty) 
slingshot I've ever shot and would recommend it to 
anyone looking for a new sling!

Feel free to post my picture and/or testimony 
wherever you would like:

Julian B.

Hello William & Daranda,  Nicely done!  Purchased for 
my son's first sling shot, my only regret is that I 
didn't also purchase one for myself  :-) 

Thank you for a quality product!! I will definitely 
spread the word.

Brian Sazama

Hi Mr. and Mrs. Hayes I just wanted to thank you for 
creating the new polycarbonate line of slingshot . I 
recently ordered a scorpion and a ranger frame . The 
scorpion is simply an amazing frame in how it fits my 
hand . You new line makes it affordable to us so thank 
you again .  Jorge


   Can't believe I received my order already! Thanks 
for the fast service! I was surprised that the arrow 
launcher had no straps. Glad I had an extra set. I have
 an 8 year old grandson that has all the most modern 
electronics available. I recently introduced him to 
Papaw's slingshots  (I have 4 of yours now). He was 
surprisingly interested! As soon as our Illinois 
weather settles down, we're going for a hike with our 
slingshots. I have a fanny pack that can hold ammo, 
extra straps, and 2 slingshots. I think you guys could 
add something like that to your line :-) Anyway, I love your products. 
They are absolute top quality. I first gained interest a couple years ago 
when I began some minimal prepping. My next goal is to set up my S.E.R.E 
for bow fishing! Please pass along any suggestions you may have for that application. 
   Okay, enough rambling. I'll probably order some 
more bands this week. I've experimented with cutting 
the band's down due to my short, 28" draw length. 
However, once the weather breaks I'm going to try a 
longer pull with full length straps, as I think I may 
get better velocity and energy. Besides the reasons 
I've already mentioned, I also appreciate  the "down 
home, everyday guy" personality you both convey. 
God bless you both. Please don't stop what you're doing!

 David Neal

I just want to say thank you to both Daranda and Bill.
  This thing is insanely accurate and a joy to use. I 
realize you both put a lot of work towards these 
slingshots so just wanted to say thanks. I know 
understand why the sniper model is so popular. 

Nathan Pashia

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