Cheap slingshot mod


Optional flatshot

Fancy Scorpion
1st Place Slingshot of the Month

Pocket OTT Hunter

Scorpion, work clothes
1st Place Slingshot of the Month

G10 Patriot

Paladin Deluxe

Camo micarta Hunter

Some of Ben's shooters

Master for casting

Father, Son Shrikes

Full grip swell Scorpion
2nd Place Slingshot of the Month


Bill's Scorpion

RH Micarta Scorpion

Mini Hunter

"SlingBow" proto


QuickHunter quick attach system

Blue Hammer

Palm Swelled Mini Hunter

Scorpion, King Rengas

Shrike, burled maple

Taurus the Bull
1st Place, Slingshot Channel
Forum Zodiac Contest

Scorpion, micarta

Scorpion, layered G10

Hardy Handful, diagonal slots

Maple Shrike

Desert Ironwood Chimera

G10 Zebra Shark

RingFinger Hunters

TubeShot and Butterfly tube shooter

Tiger Scorpion
1st Place Slingshot of the Month

Safety orange shooters


Camo TubeHunter

Night Fury
Scout Sniper Prototype

Jungle Shark

Scorpion shark

Dymondwood SEAL Sniper

Polycarbonate HTS small and Scout Sniper

Dymondwood Chimera


Tube Sniper

Tube Master Sniper
1st Place Slingshot of the Month

The S.E.R.E.

Maple Scout Sniper

Camo Canvas Hathcock

Camo Canvas TopShot

Camo Hammer with ammo dispensing

Honeycomb Scorpion

Ranger Target Tac
pinky hole & rubberized grip

Operator in Polymer
rubber tactile grip

Small HTS in Polymer
rubber tactile grip

Boy Scout Model

SEAL Sniper in Polymer

SEAL standard in poly

Ranger standard in poly

SEAL Sniper in G10

SEAL Standard in G10

Ranger standard in G10

Paladin Survivor
ammo and band storage
hinge clamp band attach

Eagle Scout camo G10

Eagle Scout polymer w/rubberized grip

Eagle Scout Target

Eagle Scout Extreme Ergo

SERE in Camo
Multiple forks

TargetShooter Proto

SpeedShooter Proto
Tubes align automatically
and swing easily/ quickly

Plain working class
Tubeshooter for EDC

Maple/G10 extreme ergo
Eagle Scout Target

Detachable forks on gunlight

Tubemaster Sniper
camo w/black tips

One for the Ladies
Pink G10, aluminum core

Desert Camo Dymondwood
Scorpion w/tube/flat forks

Covert Hunter w/burl maple

Camo Scorpion, Target Hunter

Camo Scorpion NightStalker

SEAL Sniper with palmswell

Burl Maple Scorpion

Tac Boy Scout

Walnut SERE

Walnut Dymondwood Scorpion

TubeMaster Scorpion Hybrid

NightStalker attachment

Tube Scorpion

Narrow Arrowshot Ergo

Proto Scorpion Carbonite tips

Prizes for match
lighting marksmen

Canvas Micarta Hathcock

BoyScout TubeMaster

Burled, Spalted Shrike

Mcam TubeMaster Scorpion
Right hand hold

The Harpy

Canvas Micarta HammerTakedown

Canvas Micarta Scorpion

Bill's Master Scorpion

Jade Harpy

The Worker

EDC Wedge

TopShot in solid ballistic G10

IronWood Scorpion

1/2" Aluminum BoyShot

Modded BoyScout

Scorpion Target Master

Micro Ranger Protos

Standard Target Ranger in Polymer

Simple StickShot Mod

Target Dragon
1st Place Slingshot of the Month

Jade Dragon TopSlotted

OTT Flip

Ergo G10 Ranger Target Tac

Boyscout sans grooves GPO3 and flat attach

Jade G10 BoyScout

BoyScout Sans grooves canvas micarta, mosaic pins

1/4" thick 6061 Aircraft Aluminum BoyShot Blank and Ready to use

GPO3 Predator casting master

Proto Hammer for injection molding made from GPO3

6061 aircraft aluminum PFS Blank

6061 aircraft aluminum PFS finished

Harpy with Walnut Dymondwood

TubeMaster Sniper
1/2" Ballistic G10

PredatorPro clips
Titanium attachment

PredatorPro clips
Titanium attachment

Current Prototypes
and extras for sale

Current Prototypes
back view

Bill's EDC
in GPO3

in GPO3

1/4" thick 6061 Aircraft Aluminum Micro Ranger Blank and Ready to use

The SERE in 6061
aircraft aluminum

The SERE in 6061
Olive Drab powder coating

SERE in Ballistic G10

Rugged use SERE with rubber grips

Honey Comb Chimera

Double Rubber grip Scorpion

Full Carbon Fiber Pocket carry EDC

Camo canvas micarta Scorpion

Simple OTT Hammer

Camo Micarta/6061 Aluminum Two forks, internal ammo Takedown Hammer

Laminated Leather
Target Scorpion
SOTM www.SlingshotForum.com

MWST Tourney
Target Scorpion

Punched up spinner
by the MWST Scorpion





GPO3 Topshot with alternate topslots

Modded Tourney Shooter

Tourney Shooter Proto

Straight from the WaterJet Guys!

Sideshooter Standard

Sideshooter Advanced

Targets made from HTS resin!

Cast 6061 Aluminum extras for sale

EDC Ergo

Current prototypes and extras for sale

Altoid tin folder

Altoid tin gripper

Some that are off to get 3D modeled for injection molds

YShot Template on Slingshotforum.com

YShot TTF Template on Slingshotforum.com

Quick attach archery rest for regular commercial slingshots.. soon in production

Prototypes for sale

Prototypes for sale

Prototypes for sale

Prototypes for sale

Combo Sideshooter

First sample

First sample

First sample

First sample

First sample

First sample

First sample

First sample

Final sample

Final sample

Final sample

Final sample

Final sample

Final sample

Final sample

Final sample

Final sample

Final sample


Color sample, direct sunlight

Color sample, direct sunlight

Color sample, direct sunlight

Tie ons

Aluminum finishes




Lil Ranger Protos

Taurus II Proto

NextGen Scorpion

Mini Taurus'


Secret Agent with
Ring Finger Support

Custom Scorpion